
Nursery - 3 years old and under
Every service

Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday
Classes for all ages
Children are taught practical lessons from the Bible, motivated to learn and memorize scripture, and are instructed how they should live life as Jesus would.

Youth Ministry

Built-Up Teens - 10:00 a.m. Sunday
Activities throughout the year
In a world that is after our youth, it is important now more than ever that teenagers become grounded and built-up in the Word of God. Our youth ministry provides teens with a variety of healthy activities, good friends, and truths taught from the Bible on how to become a better Christian, by living for Christ.


Adult Sunday School Class - 10:00 a.m. Sunday
Every week our pastor expounds the scriptures in a practical way for daily life. Whether verse by verse through a book or specific topic series, this Sunday School hour provides every Christian with knowledge needed to continue to grow in Christian living.


H.O.P.E. Ministry
Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
A ministry to help people who have found themselves entangled in the snare of addiction and experience the freedom that comes through applying the Word of God to their lives.

Nursing Home Ministries
2nd Sunday of Every Month
These services provide a way for everyone to get involved in. Adults, teens, and children gather to encourage and uplift the saints who no longer can make it to their church through singing, fellowship, and preaching.

World Wide Missions
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church believes that God has commanded us to reach the "uttermost part of the earth." Our missions program helps us who cannot go to the mission field attain this goal through Faith Promise Support for missionaries that have been called to reach the lost around the world.

Bus and Van Ministry
We offer transportation for those in the local community of all ages to our services who have no transportation of their own. (Contact church office if transportation is needed)